Friday, February 24, 2012

Story time!

This is Beth! She is 28 years old and lives in Kansas City Missouri. She works downtown as a Marketing Agent, and lives with her boyfriend. In her spare time she likes to take her German Shepard “Hubs” for runs, and to the dog park. On an average night she gets anyway from 5-8 hours of sleep per night. She goes out to eat about twice a week. When she eats at home her boyfriend will make them meals. She says he makes excellent burgers. Although she is not overweight she claims that she does not include a lot of fruits and vegetables in her diet. During the weekends she likes to also go out for drinks with her girlfriends for Happy Hour.

Ever since her teen years Beth has been battling acne. She has fair skin that burns easily, and very sensitive. She says that as the years have gone on it has gotten a little bit better but still has issues with embedded blackheads. Her skin ritual right now is wash her face before she goes to bed and will put moisturizer on her face. She also recently got diagnosed with Psoriasis. Her dermatologist said it is not a severe case but she still gets embarrassed about the red patches on her skin. She also says it makes her feel insecure because her skin will be dry especially when it becomes colder, no matter how much lotion she puts on her skin. Another skin issue she is starting to notice is sunspots that are making her a look a bit older.

Beth wants to know how to improve her skin overall. She is willing to change her diet and sleeping habits. She wants to start to improve the quality of her skin so that later in life she won’t have any serious issues. She wants to feel more confident and wear less makeup. She also does not have a ton of money to splurge at the local spa so she is looking for more natural ways of improving her skin. She also desires a system that will allow her to document what she is doing so that if she needs to go to back to the dermatologist she can send this information to her doctor and he can evaluate what she has been doing to her skin.

For Beth to see improvements she will need to dedicate at least six weeks to see results in her skin. Examining things like how much alcohol she drinks, or if she is using sunscreen all the time. She will need to update her “app”at least once a week to show what is working for her and what is not.

All scenarios dealing with Beth:

1. Beth signs up for the app and taps in what she wants to improve, like blackheads and sun spots

2. Her psoriasis isn’t getting better so she wants to see her progress and send it into her doctor to see what else she can do

3. To help her sunspots Beth wants to know what foods and vitamins will help her skin give a natural glow. ­

Monday, February 20, 2012

Over the past few weeks I have been gathering information about skin. There is a huge amount of information and when I went to go start my wireframes it was a little difficult to execute them. I have made a site map and scenarios, but I am realizing that I need to be more specific with my scenarios; perhaps I need to think of specific personas that would download the app. I am having issues with understanding what the most important aspects of the app. Kidwell pointed out today that I should make attributes about the app and it will help to unravel what the design will be like. I am also unsure if just an iPhone app is the best choice. In one of my scenarios the user will say that they have problems with acne, blackheads in particular. To enter in the information and to reveal information about what to do next is much more of a challenge than I thought. I need to think of ways that when the user signs on, they can update how their progress is, and with that feed back if the information that I provided, if it worked. In many of the projects we have had talked about the importance of user feedback. However, I am unsure on how the user will put information in, get results, and then put feedback if (the information that I provided) was helpful. From there should be, okay this did not work for you, then try this. One of the issues with my topic is that skin does not get better within a couple of days. With the correct amount of sleep, diet, and products then the user should have healthier skin. However, just like any other medicine, it takes time to let these factors take place and see if they are working for the user. With especially an app the user will want to see results fast, and I hope that the information that I provide is effective more than quick. I think my next step is to make a persona- to help narrow down the audience, and will help to identify the brand attributes. From there I want to pick out the strengths in this app that can help people.

Another problem that I am having is if this should be an iPhone app. One of the other issues that I am having is that there is so much information that I want to get across to the user, but is it the correct area to be doing that within an iPhone app, based on scale. Perhaps a hub that people can sign onto and that can upload to an iPhone, or an iPad. Based on MX last semester, I found that as designers we can push the content from playing angry birds to educational based. Perhaps this iPad app could help people to realize that the iPad can offer more useful information and interactive work than playing games or reading the New York Times. This is an idea that I think would be useful to introduce to other people. I think that having an app that is educationally useful that can help a person out in a time frame would be useful.

Apart of my audience that I am realizing that I am targeting towards would be people with real skin issues. Many people will claim they have problems with their skin, but in reality their skin is probably just fine. My main target audience will not be the Katie Perry’s of Proactive, but (with my targeted age) people, probably women, who have been dealing with skin issues for a long time.

So I really need to get on the ball with my persona. I already know her values, and needs, but to direct her interest more in depth will help me. This will also help me to re-evaluate if my scenarios are the best. So, not trying to be behind schedule, I’m going to push for the next week to finalize the analog/ perhaps move onto the digital wireframes. I want to prefect my wireframes before I move onto the branding and asthenic qualities. I think by flushing out the rest of the wireframes, getting that more step-by-step process of what my “app”is I will determine what formal qualities this mini brand will have. Also help to come up with a better title than “skin deep” not too key on it yet.

These were some brain storming ideas I came up with a couple weeks ago that I forgot to post

Friday, February 17, 2012

Week 04

Through the last week I have done a lot more research depicting my scenarios. For example looking up more severs cases of Psoriasis and seeing what natural methods that I can display. For example in the winter time finding essential oils to help moistures that area of skin would be a great example. Like Aveda products have great sources that people could use that do not cost over $100.

Onto the design of my app, this is what I am having the most problems with. With a lot of the research I have done, there hasn’t been much “designing”. So far I have come up with many gross images or stock like images. What I have not come across are good info graphs explaining what the problem is. Like what causes ache scares in an info graph. I would like to not have all vectored imagery in my app but I would like to add. I think that having a section that says “for more information” it could reveal an interesting diagram of the skins layers. I might need to make a trip up to KU Med to see if I can look up a dermatologist’s book, because they would have more in depth information as well as better diagrams for me to look at.

For Monday, I will need to have 3 DIFFERENT directions for how this can be executed. I will also need to go through With Kidwell on my wireframes to know, which ones are working and then start to move onto Digital wireframes.

Week 04

Poking a vitamin E w a pin can

The new

Ellen Lupton has her own book on skin! (However it's not the same content, but I do enjoy the cover)

This isn't the best looking picture but apart of my research is to study the unpleasant issues, and images of skin to help depict what the person in my audience has.

Monday, February 13, 2012

So cute

Ive been thinking of color schemes

Through the last week there has been a lot of more research I have done. My original intention was to create an app that allows a user to customize their skin routine. That is still the goal but I have narrowed down to a certain age group, 25- 30 years, probably women too. I have also narrowed down my scenarios. 1. Beth wants to get rid of her acne, and help to improve her ache scares. 2. Samantha wants to help treat her psoriasis. 3. Pam wants to use the app to find out what foods are best for her skin. Based on my research I think that I will be able to make some good wireframes that will show natural ways into treating one's skin.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

This a song that I have loved since I was in 5th grade, and he says to wear sunscreen =)
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be
it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by
scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable
than my own meandering
experience…I will dispense this advice now.

Being stuck with the flu was not fun. However it gave me time to research what some formally aesthetic's are out there right now for sites and imagery. I have started a board to help gather an assortment of information/ full of anything that might inspire me to brand, use as reference, and to examine what this particular audience is drawn towards.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Similar Apps

This app is meant towards products of the skin. With ratings from other people and shopping for personalized skin types it helps guide the viewer to products that would be beneficial to them.

Out of all the apps I found on a very skim line this is what I imagine my app would do. Help to make a routine for your skin. Offering articles, videos as well to educate the user on what they are putting on their skin.

I really enjoy this app. The user takes a picture of something mysterious on their body and it helps to identify what it is.

Okay, so mint is not exactly a skin type website. But it is a website about imputing data, being all personal and reviewing the user's funds. It also helps them to accomplish goals, and understand in a visual way of where they are finically.

This app is about medicine one general. It explains what medicine you are taking, reasons, and to honestly make sure it is the right medication you should be taking.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Week 02

Skin Degree!!!

After going back and forth from my presentation last semester I have decided to change my degree project. I do think over population is a serious topic but found myself not emerging myself into this subject as much as I thought I would. Last semester I went back and forth between two topics: overpopulation vs skin. I thought at the time to choose skin as an option for my degree project would just be something that I would like. For some time now I have had an obsession around skin, over the years I have dug deeper into knowing more and more about the tissue that can heal itself is marvelous to me. Based on some of my previous projects I find myself liking to research topics, find solutions and show a visual way of an answer. Last semester, when I thought of this idea, I thought I would be the only person who would really enjoy to learn more about skin. However, during break I visited with an Esthetician who was also in med-school, about the myths and ways to treat your skin. I mentioned how I wanted to create an app about skin and how to treat one's skin to the very best, but thought it was too dorky and no one would be interested. She disagreed with me, saying it would be nice if my clients had a good understand about the foundation of their OWN skin, and be able to understand what it takes to have healthy skin. She also mentioned, it would be helpful for as a professional to know what their medical/family history is before they walk in the door. After two weeks in studio and reading articles, looking for visual references about overpopulation, I kept thinking back to that conversation. So before it was too late I decided to go with my instinct and change my topic.

The complexion of someone can be a very sore subject to people. Just by walking past any newspaper stand with the latest on Kim Kardasian, could make anyone feel insecure. We are literally injecting our faces with fat cells, whatever is in Botox, and stretching out our skin so tight up around our ear we might as well be elephants. After years of teenage popping dreams, I have read every cosmopolitain and how to improve and be healthy to your skin. Because lets face it (no pun intended) its probably one of the first attributes we look into when we meet someone. With this app I want the audience to reach a healthy balance within their own skin. This is my main objective, but there are much more sever skin deceases/ disorders that people deal with every day. Most of the time it is not even on their face.

(Personal Story) Almost 6 years ago I did not my 14-day Amoxicillin because I was young and it seemed my strep throat had disappeared within around day 9. What I did not know at the time is that since I had not finished my medicine for my internal body, I broke out in circular red rashes. After seeing a dermatologist he diagnosed me with Psoriasis, saying strep can come out in many forms. Embarrassing, as it was, I has no idea what this even in tailed. After googling and searching for how long it could last I had no direct answers. Every website gave a different explanation, and it just confused me. Although this was before the iPhone or iPad it would have been nice to have an informational source to answer all of my questions. Now that we have WebMD, Wikipedia, and Google has advanced the topic of skin is still not user friendly yet. I researched different skin applications, and there are acne-popping games, image capturing of a suspicious rash/mole but nothing that helps to inform the user of what their condition might be. There are many different aspects that are to look at when taking proper care of your skin. Yet, only Neutrogena's website, and another app that allows the user to custom make a skin routine for yourself.

This is what I am proposing as an end result to my degree project. I want to know how Graphic Design can help improve the quality in someones skin? We put creams and scrub our faces blindness in hoping it will reveal a baby's bottom. I am not promising this flawless outcome to the user. However, I want to provide information on skin in detail that answers questions teenagers can feel, someone battling burn scares, or questionable moles. In that respect, to narrow down my audience will be a little more difficult. To solve this problem, and a healthy outcome for this project I want to create 3 personas. With these personas they can be diverse by age/ race/ gender/ medical history/ profession/ where they live. When creating my scenarios; each one will represent a different persona. As of now my objective is to create problems for 3 different people and with the app find 3 different solutions all ending with how to improve the quality of ones skin. So it is hard to imagine a specific audience type, all I know right now is they will have different skin issues but will be able to find solutions.

I have thought about how these solutions can be categorized. One communication that I want to improve is doctor and patient. Everyone has had the moment when a doctor asks you a silly/ simple question and you are out of words.

Like Ma’am, what vitamins do you take?

Flintstones...? Oh yes and flaxseed and vitamin c, etc.

One of the solutions that I want to create is to keep track of someone's diet. This includes any medications, bad fatty foods, good fatty goods, fruits, and veggies. You name it. Many hair nail skin ad's are promoting how their product includes avocado oil. Otherwise known as vitamin E, this is an excellent source for your skin. It helps to nourish and moisturizes skin from the inside out (if eaten or taken as a supplement). There are many good vitamins that can be found in food that help to release toxins but can also prevent cancers, anti-aging, and boost your immune system like Vitamin C can. It is amazing how someone's diet can determine so many aspects of their life. With acknowledging what is in the user's diet, good and bad, it will help to determine if their are giving their body the proper nutrition. One of the amazing aspects of how the skin works is because it is a reflection of how you are taking care of your body on the inside.

A branch from one's diet is the climate they live in. This may sound odd, but where you live has a big portion to do with how healthy your skin is. This is because of sun exposure, climate control, and water sources. Depending on the season sun exposure can be very damaging to your skin, even when skiing or in the middle of winter with snow on the ground. With too much sun exposure you can easily burn your skin, peeling off layers making your skin even more vulnerable to damage. This can lead to aging quickly, leather face, and cancer. What environment you are at can play a determining factor in how healthy your skin is. Depending on the skin type, oily, dry, normal, combination. The climate can influence your skin to react in a positive or negative way. Drier/ cooler climates can be harsh on skin, allowing to not having enough moisture that it can crack and bleed. An easy way to tell is how in the wintertime after being outside for a view hours your lips can produce an extra layer or skin to prevent from cracking. The last climate indicator would be the source of water. Water is one of the major factors in taking proper care of your skin. Depending on where you live and what the cities purifying system is, this could affect the look and health of your skin. The old wives tale says to drink almost a gallon of water a day. Depending on your caffeine/alcohol intake, this is probably true. For happy skin is to hydrate it very well, working from the inside out. Also, the user is showering in water. Letting usually steam to open up pores and release toxins. If the water may have minerals that have not been purified through that user is drinking them as well as. (SIDE NOTE: Some of us know her as Julia Roberts who won that Oscar, but Erin Brockovich's story was true. Now since that Hinkley insolent happened, the U.S has put a tight rope around the purifying water. But one can understand how the importance of water could certainly influence ones health, let alone their skin).

So before I ramble on more about what the solutions can be from my research, there are more answers that I would like to address within making my app. As of right now I can picture many different ways to answer my personas questions about the health of their skin. Through info graphs on diagrams of the skin, I thought would be beneficial. What is the different between a black head and white head. Where are on the user's body are they having issues with their skin. As of today I believe the more visuals I can show to explain the solutions to their problems would be the best. As well as the diagrams that I can support, I would like the user to input their own aspect. For example a feature I would like to explore would be if they were to take a picture of the issue and the app would help to identify what it is, as well as if this is something that they should seek medical attention about. As well as "feed" board that the user can tag different skin problems they would like to be aware of if new studies come in. What they want to learn, what products are best for their skin as well as treatments that might need to handle by a medical profession.

As I stated before, where the user is will be a significant portion of their profile. As well as informing them to hydrate more or put more sunscreen on, it would be nice if the app would supply them with medical professions that specialize in the users needs. Rather than going through the yellow pages, or Google to find a specialist, this app could have ratings based on what the doctor might specialize in. As well as connect the user to the doctor as well as address, directions and whom to speak with. My very very very out their dream would be that once they have contacted the doctor, they would be able to send in the data from the app to the doctor. He/she can review the user's history, medications, daily skin routines, and be that more personal to the patient. I believe that if I were to get to this point and really flush out how to improve communication between M.D's and patients, it would help to push even further of what we originally thought apps could do. I'm still debating if I would like to pursue the iPad, iPhone, or with all of this information does it need to come back to an original home; a website. As of the schedule I made, I am working just towards an app, however there are 3 scenarios, perhaps 2 could be one device and they could link back to the website.